Tag Archives: orinda

Academic Coaching Combats Learning Differences in Orinda CA

Your child doesn't have to struggle in schoolWith diagnosis of learning disorders such as ADD, ADHD, Executive Functioning Disorder and Asperger’s on the rise more and more people are turning towards the internet for answers and advice. Why is your child hyper-active? How is your son so inattentive in the classroom when you know first-hand how intelligent he is? The temptation is to find the proper label to place on a child, and to find the quick-fix.

The truth is there is no quick-fix. Regardless of what learning disability a child suffers from there are measures that can be taken and skills that can be learned that will help him or her not only in the classroom, but also in all areas of life. Actually cultivating the seemingly obvious skills of organization, time management, focus, and goal setting can literally turn a student’s life around. The key is in the consistency—something else students with these learning disabilities struggle with.

Orinda-based Nancy Chin works with students to accomplish just that. Her holistic approach is based on creating solid, consistent foundations that enable students to better manage their learning disorders and create success first in the classroom, and later beyond. Stop making it so complicated. Come back to square one, and step by intentional step your child will learn how to function with his or her learning disorder. Contact Nancy today.


* Orinda neighbors Lafayette, Moraga and Walnut Creek. If you or someone you know lives here and has a child who might benefit from academic coaching, we are available.